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Riturparna, Anjana, Shahana, Adhyayan at Jashn Movie Premiere. Jashn movie is based on the character Akash Verma(Adhyayan Suman) who is one of the scores of aspirant singers who want to make a name for himself in the music world. But hit by failure and a sense of guiltness for his sister, he gets desperate for a break. But that much wanted break never comes along his way. And he gets depressed in spite of being a superb talent in the area of music.
On the contrary his sister Nisha(Shahana Goswami), tried every possible means to give happiness to her brother and finally becomes the mistress of a rich Businessman Aman Bajaj(Humayun Saeed). When Akash was on the verge of giving up, there comes the source of inspiration Sara(Anjana Sukhani), sister of Aman Bajaj. She keeps him inspired and forced him to the peak of his capabilities. And finally he found himself in a position what he always cherised for. His big break comes and he becomes the star voice of the music industry.
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